September 5, 2013

Cinnulin PFTM contains the bio-active, water-soluble polyphenol polymers (“Type-A polymers”) that inhibit PTP-1, preventing inactivation of insulin receptors. They affect protein phosphorylation- dephosphorylation reactions regulating glucose metabolism signal transduction pathways. These Polymers are antioxidants and increase insulin-dependent glucose metabolism by roughly 20 times. After 40 days of consuming either one, three or six grams of cinnamon per day, subjects had significant reductions in blood glucose (18-29%) and blood lipids (7-30%).*
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) possesses sulfonylurea- like activity. This herb does not lower blood sugar unless it contains a significant quantity of ginsenosides. The American ginseng in CinnDromeXTM is a standardized 12% (ginsenosides) extract.*
Gymnema Leaf Extract (Gymnema sylvestre) is a water-soluble extract made from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre and standardized to 25% gymnemic acid. This form does not decrease iron absorption as other forms may. Gymnema can enhance the effects of insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents by reducing glucose absorption in
the intestine, stimulating pancreatic beta cell growth and possibly increasing endogenous insulin secretion. Gymnema may also reduce serum lipids.*
Green Tea Polyphenols (Camelia sinesis) protect erythrocytes from oxidative stress, possibly reducing risk of late complications of diabetes. In research studies EGCG enhanced insulin activity, protected the pancreatic cells by reducing inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-1beta), and reduced IFN-gamma-induced nitric oxide production. It affected genes that inhibit activation of NF- kappaB and reduced the level of messenger RNA for the hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes.*
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a potent antioxidant that acts by multiple mechanisms, both physiologically and pharmacologically, in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and hypertension.
In higher doses, alpha lipoic acid supports insulin regulation of blood sugar levels.*
Chromium: The Albion® patented process that combines chromium with glycinate and niacin increases its bioavailability and improves insulin sensitivity. Individuals with Type 2 diabetes tend to have lower blood chromium levels. Chromium enhances the metabolic action of insulin and may reduce some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, especially in overweight individuals.*

Take two capsules twice daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
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- Imparl-Radosevich J, Regulation of PTP-1 and insulin receptor kinase by fractions from cinnamon: implications for cinnamon regulation of insulin signaling. Horm Res. 1998 Sep; 50(3):177-82 [PMID: 9762007]
- Anderson RA, et al. Isolation and characterization of polyphenol type-A polymers from cinnamon with insulin-like biological activity. J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Jan 14:52(1):65-70. [PMID: 14709014]
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- Han MK. Epigallocatechin gallate, a constituent of green tea, supresses cytokine-induced pancreatic beta-cell damage. Exp Mol Med. 2003 Apr 30;35(2):136-9 [PMID:12754418]
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- Preuss HG, Bagchi M. Protective effects of novel niacin-bound chromium complex and a grape seed proanthocyanidin extract on advancing age and various aspecs of syndrome X. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2002 May; 957:250-9. [PMID: 12074977]