July 23, 2015

It is old news that since the passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, health insurance premiums and deductibles are on the rise. But what you may not know is you can save money by paying cash for your healthcare regardless of whether or not you have health insurance. Here’s 4 ways to save at Revolution.**
1. Lower office visit rates.**
We bill for time which is considerably more affordable than many patient’s experience in an “In-Network” office setting regardless of their health insurance status. Traditional medical billing is based on the number of criteria met during the documentation of the visit. If your doctor clicks enough boxes in their electronic medical record (EMR) then they can bill more for it. However, clicking boxes doesn’t mean they have more thoroughly addressed your issue!
We focus on YOU and our time with you not the number of boxes we check in your record.
2. Free lab work.
It’s not uncommon for those going to traditional insurance-based offices for healthcare to be billed hundreds of dollars for even basic lab work. As long as patients have some type of insurance, even high deductible health plans, Revolution provides advanced comprehensive lab testing at no cost to the patient in many cases. If a patient does not have insurance, we have contracted lower lab testing rates that can save hundreds in testing fees.
Feel free to shop around but you will be hard pressed to find a better deal on labs anywhere!
3. True Wellness.
It’s no secret that prevention is the best medicine. At Revolution, our comprehensive lab testing programs allow for each patient to understand current status of their overall health and specific ways to not only prevent disease but reverse disease.
For instance, over 11% of Oklahomans have diabetes and even more have pre-diabetes. In a study published in the Diabetes Journal it’s estimated that an individual’s lifetime medical expenses for this one disease process is anywhere from $43,000 to over $211,000 depending on the age of onset of disease process.
Additionally, many who have diabetes will also have other co-morbid conditions such as heart disease. Not only, can Revolution help you prevent the disease but often greatly improve the disease, if not reverse the process thus saving big money!
4. Membership
We now have membership plans available to provide patients health services for a discounted yearly fee or monthly payment. This allows you to know up front how much your optimal health will cost you and allow you to incorporate this into your budget. Knowing how much it costs can dramatically reduce a lot of stress.
Stay tuned for more information or call 918.935.3636 to learn more!