New Employee

businesswomen shaking hands
January 13, 2019

Welcome to Revolution Health & Wellness Clinic!

The very first thing we need is for you to fill out a few forms. All 4 forms will need to be filled out, printed, signed, and brought to the clinic prior to or on your first day of employment.

We will need a copy of your identification card, social security card, and a voided check. Make sure that we have all of these on or before your first day.

  1. Background Check
  2. I-9
  3. W-4 (2023)
  4. Revolution Employee Handbook The Handbook is for your reference. Please review it then print and sign the last page.


The first thing we need is a HIPAA certification.

We use a combination of PC and Mac computers. You will need to be familiar with both. If you don’t know how to use a mac then be sure to watch this Video.

Our EMR is MD-HQ by Cerbo. There are 8 videos that you will need to watch. They are all pretty short (less than 10 minutes each). Be sure that you are familiar with the EMR by watching these videos before your first day at Revolution. We’ll get your login information on day 1.

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