May 31, 2014 Have you noticed the number of low testosterone clinics in Tulsa, Oklahoma? In fact, Low T centers who specialize in low testosterone and testosterone replacement therapy are springing up...
June 1, 2014 At my clinic in Tulsa we do a lot of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Low testosterone is associated with a number of medical concerns and many of our male patients complain of...
February 26, 2013 The effectiveness of Testosterone Revolution’s ability to increase testosterone levels has been evaluated by laboratory analyses. Chief among this formula’s benefits over...
June 18, 2021 This is an interesting study suggesting that testosterone increases non-calcified plaque. While this study does demonstrate some truth to this statement, there appear to be multiple...
October 26, 2013 I frequently talk to people who believe that a vegetarian lifestyle is healthier and that animal proteins and fats should be avoided. The evidence to support these claims is weak at...
October 22, 2023 Thyroid disorders are a common challenge, affecting millions of individuals around the world. Synthroid, a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone T4, is a standard medication used...
January 28, 2020 The DASH-2 Diet (DASH-II) Four years after the DASH Diet was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the DASH-2 Diet (DASH-II) study was published. The DASH Diet showed good...
January 27, 2020 The DASH Diet In 1997, the DASH Diet was published in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled “A Clinical Trial of the Effects of Dietary Patterns on Blood Pressure.” This trial...
February 15, 2020 The Framingham Heart Study The Framingham Heart Study has been an ongoing study, since 1948, attempting to identify common risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease. The...