Every day, whether by choice or by chance, millions of people encounter physical, emotional, and physiological stress that can challenge the immune system. Immune Max is formulated to provide support...
March 2, 2013 What is Glutamine? Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body and is an energy substrate for most cells—especially enterocytes (intestinal epithelial cells) and immune...
A functional medicine approach to hypertension requires a thorough evaluation and understanding all of the options for therapy. Hypertension is the #1 contributor to cardiovascular disease...
March 1, 2013 Green tea, prepared from the Camellia sinensis plant, has been consumed since ancient times for its calming influence. Modern research has looked into this “ancient wisdom” and revealed...
The human body makes 3 different estrogens and all 3 are important to optimal health. Estrogens are hormones. Hormones are chemicals that result in a cellular change when they bind to their receptors...
September 8, 2013 Revolution Health & Wellness focuses on optimal health. While we do work with illness and disease it is our preference that we identify disruptions in the physiology of our...
What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV): The autonomic nervous system (ANS) mediates the body’s initial response to physical, physiological, or psychological stress. The ANS is a component of the...
As a military physician in Special Operations, Dr. Edwards was exposed to a large number of patients with multiple aches and pains and was able to help some. There were others that, despite his best...
January 30, 2019 LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) lowering by statin therapy has historically been the focus of guidelines for treating cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk associated with elevated blood...