September 10, 2013 Recent evidence suggests that higher doses of vitamin D3 supplementation may be of benefit to patients, including the elderly, who are particularly low in vitamin D levels. Many...
October 25, 2013 Consists of 8 naturally occuring tocopherols. Apparently, a-tocopherol is the most active. Good sources: Vegetable oils, margarine, wheat germ, nuts, dark green veggies, and...
October 25, 2013 Good sources: Green leafy veggies, fruit (esp. strawberries), spinach, cabbage, egg yolks, fish, liver, and dairy products. A large portion of vitamin K is also produced by flora...
February 20, 2024 You may have seen or heard the terms “functional medicine” or “integrative medicine”, but do you actually know what they mean? We take great pride in being the go-to resource for...
September 25, 2013 The topic of methylation is common in the Functional Medicine community. But what is methylation? Simply put, methylation is a chemical reaction that occurs in every cell and tissue...
March 30, 2024 Do you experience persistent discomfort via joint or muscle pain? If you are tired of dealing with your symptoms with prescription medications or are simply curious about natural...
September 14, 2013 We’ll often hear people say they have the flu anytime the get sick with nasal congestion, aches, and a low-grade fever. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate the common cold from...
May 5, 2024 The Mediterranean Diet is a lifestyle that has shown great results for people wanting to improve cardiovascular health. Keep reading to learn more about it and what to eat for a healthy...