May 05, 2013

Insurance Information

The medical system in the United States is primarily insurance driven. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) says that we all have to have “health” insurance or pay a fine.

Insurance Information

Feel free to read our Policies for more information.

The Problem:

The medical system in the United States is primarily insurance driven. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) says that we all have to have “health” insurance or pay a fine. The insurance companies create Networks of physicians. In order to be one of the ‘Network’ physicians you must agree to the insurance companies payments.

There is a ‘cost of business‘ associated with seeing patients. We have to pay rent for the building, purchase medical supplies, and pay staff. As much as we would love to we can’t see patients for free!

Lower payments to physicians means that they have to see more patients. It is the only way to generate more money to cover the cost of doing business.

What this means is that you is:

  • less time with your doctor
  • who often doesn’t listen to you and
  • solves your problem with a pill
  • they don’t have time to research your problem
  • they refer you to specialists

The Solution:

This means that we can spend more time with you. We can focus all of our efforts on your medical issues without regard to what the insurance company will cover. Our relationship with you as the patient is our priority on the path to your optimal health.

When you come in for your medical appointment we charge an office visit fee regardless of your insurance plan. Most patients (but not all) have “out of network” benefits. You may file your claim to your insurance company on your own and you may or may not get any money back.

The BENEFITS of being out of network:

  • More one-on-one time with your doctor
  • We will listen to your issues and concerns
  • Personalized medical care for your unique set of genetics and physiology
  • Numerous additional evaluation & treatment options (labs, tests, lifestyle education, etc)
  • We will work with you until we figure out your problem
  • We have a national network of professionals with whom we can consult – they are EXPERTS in their fields.

If you have insurance: many of your labs may be at no cost to you. We work with several ‘out-of-network’ labs. You don’t have to pay out of your pocket for these labs. The lab takes the risk if your insurance plan doesn’t cover. The traditional approach often includes getting labs and tests without considering the costs. The lab bills the insurance and you get stuck for whatever the insurance doesn’t cover. Months later in some cases. How are you supposed to budget for that?

Being out of network allows us to put you back in the driver’s seat of your own health care.

Here are a couple of resources for more information. Also, if you have further questions please give us a call!
