May 19, 2014

Know YOUR Nutritional Needs

When it comes to nutrition, athletes tend to focus on the main things…fats, carbohydrates and protein. These macronutrients are vital for nerve function, energy and muscle rebuilding but it is important to not overlook the micronutrients that your body requires to for optimal function.

Know YOUR Nutritional Needs

When it comes to nutrition, athletes tend to focus on the main things…fats, carbohydrates and protein. These macronutrients are vital for nerve function, energy and muscle rebuilding but it is important to not overlook the micronutrients that your body requires to for optimal function.

Revolution Health & Wellness offers micronutrient testing through SpectraCell Laboratories. This test measures 33 vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your white blood cells, giving a picture of nutritional status over the last 4-8 months and evaluating your body’s ability to absorb and utilize each nutrient.

Knowing your individual nutritional status can aid with:

  • balancing micronutrients
  • muscle recovery
  • improving cellular energy production
  • reducing the risk of oxidative stress
  • improving immunity
  • regulating hormones

Micronutrient testing takes the guessing out of supplementation.

Find out what your specific, individual deficiencies are make informed choices about correcting imbalances.